15 Things You'll Never Hear Your Folklórico Teacher Say

Folklórico dance teachers can say some pretty strange things sometimes, but unless it's April Fools Day, you'll never here your Maestro or Maestra saying any of these phrases.

#1 "There is nothing you need to improve on. The performance was perfection!"

#2 "What a lovely ringtone. Perhaps you should forget to turn off your phone during rehearsal more often and we'll make a routine to it."

#3 "All of the 'chisme' going on during class is music to my ears!"

#4 "I really don't mind if you walk into class late, as long as you walk right into the choreography without warming up your muscles."

#5 "You know, chewing gum during rehearsal really helps with your facial expressions."

#6 "Relax! Take your time during costume changes. You won't miss a thing!" 

#7 "Who cares if your 'faldeo' isn't uniformed. Trust me, the audience will never notice."

#8 "Never follow the music!"

#9 "Leave your dance bags wherever you want. Preferably in the middle of the dance floor where you'll know it's safe."

#10 "Don't worry about your 'zapateado' when you have your skirt on ladies."

#11 "The only time that I expect you to dance full throttle is during a performance. No one is watching you at rehearsal anyway."

#12 "Stomp as hard and loud as you can. Who care if your knees hurt tomorrow."

#13 "Don't worry, if you missed the last rehearsal you didn't miss a thing."

#14 "I love the way you stand with you back slouched, neck out and your 'pansa' out...you look cute."

#15 "I never think about folklórico outside of class. Are you kidding me?!"

This list could possibly go on forever! 

We'd like to thank all of the folklórico teachers out there for dedicating hours of their lives to teaching this amazing tradition. ¡Gracias! Lets keep this list going!

Don't forget to let us know what your teacher would never say by commenting below. 

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Maestra Kareli :D

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